Here I present a flight in the face N. This day the wind was quite strong and cross NE. So the fellow who was with me, more experienced and perhaps less forward flight I decided not to try and is dedicated to recording. I did not have much hope of being able to get a flight, but at least try to make "field" and take control of sailing on land. As he was too strong at the summit, I went to measure it and gave 35 to 40 km / h, I decided to try to raise the sail almost to ground level and go up the hill, pulled by the lift it until it was large enough to get me to fly. It is not easy, at least for me. On several occasions I got to fly, but not high enough to be able to climb to the summit. So, had to land on the hillside, to return to try again. But at last I got it and allowed me to take a flight of about 45 min. Actually it could have been longer, because once above, despite being crossed, the slope goes a long way. But the more lively it was, I had a small folded and decided to land.
Long ago, a friend flying in the area, is actually in Cebreros himself, told me he did not understand as being the area I most frequented flight had not yet posted any videos of it. And the truth is that I did not know that answer. I suppose it's because I have yet to edit material as I am too lazy to get to it and do not know where to start. But everything comes, here's the first video of this great flying area. Its orientation is the most used SE, but it is flyable, but with worse conditions, with winds of guidelines E, S and even W. The takeoff is about 1300 m. with these coordinates (40.448679, -4.508930) and landing is about 750 m. (40.447396, -4.480029). I think the area offers excellent conditions for paragliding. A takeoff broad, free of stones and allows land up with ease. It also has fabulous views of the surrounding swamps. Landing is slightly tilted. This means that when there is no wind, it forces you to carry traffic on the road approach and adjust long final glide, since otherwise the rate of fall of the sail is almost the same as the fall of the land and is very easy to spend the first half. But it is dangerous because then there is a much bigger plane that allow you to land safely. In fact this field is typically used by the school that frequents this area, not to put students in the one closest to the road. takeoff Access is from the port AV503 Arrebatacapas on the road leading from San Bartolome Cebreros Pinares. Upon reaching the top of the port takes a dirt track that goes to the left of and following this road to take us to the final launch. flight zone would be perfect if it had a North-oriented flight. And indeed it has. Accessed from the town next to The Shiver, you can climb to head la Parra. It is the mountain which is opposite the takeoff. But unfortunately for years that the flight here is prohibited. Affected by the regulation of a Regional Park that prevents this. Although there is a club of this city that is struggling to get it to reopen the area to the flight. I hope it succeeds! A tip for summer days. Being the nearest landing Cebreros, most often flying scroll to eat it or take the poles rigor. But during the summer days strongly recommend you open a bar next to the swamp of Charco del Cura. You can bring snacks and beverage purchase, or if you prefer, you can prepare them something to eat. The site is very nice. It is situated among lush trees and a small beach next to the marsh, allowing the bath to brave the icy water that support the bath. This wonder is coming from a roundabout at the entrance to the village of El Tiemblo, near the national highway N403 Avila-Toledo. It is indicated in the roundabout itself.
Here I leave the map of takeoff and landing. Clicking on the blue marks will give you more information.
June 7, 2007
face not go as far as the commonly used SE, since the slope is less steep. But if the temperatures are good, this side also allows a good flight. And this video proves it.