I keep looking at the Hard disk of my PC and I think interesting things are coming. On 24 and 25 March last year I attended the Central League competition held in Pedro Bernardo. In two days off the W was elected and then came the two videos that I present to you now.
On 24 I was enjoying the Briefing and takeoffs of competitors. By the time they finished off all, had become so strong it was impossible to leave at this time, so I had to wait until the return of late to flying. This video
displayed twenty-offs and a few landings. Although some of you may seem hard to see so many take-offs, I think you can always learn something watching others do it. I have personally seen many times videos of takeoffs of other competitions and I have not bored at all. In any case, I guess those who were there you might be interested.
On 24 I was enjoying the Briefing and takeoffs of competitors. By the time they finished off all, had become so strong it was impossible to leave at this time, so I had to wait until the return of late to flying. This video
displayed twenty-offs and a few landings. Although some of you may seem hard to see so many take-offs, I think you can always learn something watching others do it. I have personally seen many times videos of takeoffs of other competitions and I have not bored at all. In any case, I guess those who were there you might be interested.
On 25 I decided to take off before the competition pilots they did. This will not bother them and I get off on a more loose than they do. Not in vain hope that the conditions are put enough heat to ensure, or at least try, to reach goal. While on the other hand, take off too soon as I did, is to run the risk of sinking for not finding enough thermal activity on which to rely. Luckily, I managed to stay there during the time that elapsed between my departure and the pilot of the competition. This allowed me to see everything from the air. Furthermore, although he knew the route to follow, I followed them for a while, so you can say I completed part test. It was pretty fun for me.
video camera placed me in the leg. Sometimes let go of the controls and the other taking pictures or video camera. In reality few times because I was very moved and felt like no-drop controls. This video I think it can be more entertaining to watch than the last.
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