Thursday, October 29, 2009

Creels For Sale Scotland

Messages "manager" causing a stir in Spanish

alleged bribes FOR BID OF $ 16 MILLION.
Both the owner of the House, Salyn Buzarquis and his colleagues Juan José Vázquez, Carlos Liseras, Emilia Alfaro and Pedro Gonzalez, named in the text messages sent by José Luis Galindo, and which engages in a course made to pay bribes, denied links and announced a lawsuit against the English. Resolution of the Vice President confirmed that Galindo was named advisor.
The messages were sent from the mobile phone 0991.732.638, owned by José Luis Galindo, whose number is listed on your personal card of the Vice President of the Republic, where it appears as ad honorem advisor Cooperation Internacional.Se is a English citizen who acts as "manager" of the company Indra Sistemas SA, whose firm won the bidding for the National Directorate of Civil Aviation (Dinac) worth $ 16 million for the provision of radar and other equipment of telecomunicaciones.La bidding was very controversial because there were two rulings by the Comptroller General of the Republic, in recommending declare the call, as he had locked the adjudication process under President Nicanor Duarte Frutos.Recién year past, after the inauguration of the new government, strikingly, the watchdog said that after his intervention, there was a 47% reduction in the costs of purchasing equipment and endorsed the other hand, in the House of Representatives was presented to approve a budget increase for Dinac G. 27,000 million to finalize the first disbursement to Indra for the purchase of equipment. It was at this time last September, Galindo began operating with legislators to achieve enlargement of the Dinac budget, as recorded in the register of mobile phone which had sent the legislators appointed by Galindo mensajes.Los were: Enrique Salyn Buzarquis (PLRA), chairman of the House of Representatives, Emilia Alfaro Franco (PLRA), Carlos Liseras (ANR), Pedro González (PLRA) and Gustavo Mussi (UNAC). Buzarquis and Gonzalez both said they were not present at the meeting when it approved the extension for Dinac.El Liseras deputy said he does not know Galindo and how the complaint affected their honor what legal action against the English. Lawmaker Franco Alfaro, wife of Vice President, Federico Franco, who knows Galindo acknowledged but denied having received a bribe at all. Interestingly, the committee chaired by the deputy, and Gender Equity, was the one who requested the study of enlargement for the ad honóremEl Dinac.Asesor March 24 this year, Vice President, through resolution 51/09 José Luis Galindo appointed as honorary adviser to the Area of \u200b\u200bInternational Cooperation of the vice presidency. "According to Mr. Galindo institution meets the technical background and experience required for advice on international cooperation," reads the resolution is signed by Franco (see facsimile). While
Franco Galindo acknowledged his friend and that he was advising, had never mentioned that name via resolution.
English was also reported by pressuring officials Dinac, displaying your business card with logo of the Vice President to obtain Indra SA benefits. Galindo announced today will give a press conference, at which will clarify everything published and said that nobody helped him to lobby. He said that will "many truths" about who is behind the allegations. Some messages

text messages sent by José Luis Galindo one of his players: "My contact at the Chamber of Deputies is the Pres. of Deputies, Buzarquis, you see the others know I have to Emilia and not worry so you know just go out and I fulfill the contract as promised only that the amount of rose flowers. " "Indra will give no role until the thing out since in the era of the 'old' has been given much and the old should be in charge of all proceedings in parliament because you say that's your job as Carlos Maria and I have given much Liseras ". "... I know that the budget be adopted today, but it's fucking Lila White, for I am in charge of the Liberals and you ensure Vazquez, who is second and will have to Mineur also want to send a copy of Indra."
October 28, 2009 22:31

Source: ABC Digital

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Styrayx E O Zoofilismo


text messages "manager" Members splashes.

The English José Luis Galindo, manager of the company Indra, which won a bid of $ 16 million for the provision of radar, revealed through their text messages traded with several deputies to approve the budget increase the Dinac. Named Emilia Alfaro, Carlos Liseras and Buzarquis Salyn. Anticipated to mention that about $ 25,000, but demanded more.

On September 25 last year, the Chamber of Deputies approved the budget increase of G. 27,000 million for the National Directorate of Civil Aviation (Dinac). This amount was then allocated earlier this year the firm Indra Sistemas SA as an advance of $ 16 million expected to be disbursed for the purchase of radar and other telecommunications equipment.

The designated representative of the firm awarded, English Jose Luis Galindo, who was operated so that Members approve the extension, as the Dinac not have that amount.

On 31 July last year, outgoing President Nicanor Duarte Frutos, sent to then-brand new head of the Chamber of Deputies, Henry Salyn Buzarquis, the request for extension.

According to Galindo text messages sent to a person who also acted as its operator, and which we have actually signed and verified from your mobile phone, reveals that their contact is Buzarquis Deputies and also "have it" the deputy Emilia Franco Alfano. Also mentioned other liberal legislators as Pedro Gonzalez and Enrique Mineur, and the Colorado Juan Jose Vazquez and Gustavo Oviedo Mussi.
According to the content of messages, one also reads that initially there was talk of a "25 Flowers", which would be $ 25,000, and clarifies that Carlos Liseras Nicanor former private secretary, now deputy and has been given much. More implicadosEn other posts, Galindo confesses that if not achieved the budget increase, the company Indra and will not give anything and, indeed, the signature and desist of the project. English is also mentioned a trip to Buenos Aires with the Vice President Federico Franco, where they were to meet with entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires.
Coincidentally, the date of sending these messages, in the House of Representatives achieved the expansion of the budget and all Members Dinac cited in the text messages were precisely those who voted in favor. Even by the newspaper reports of the meeting of 25 September last year, noted that the Liberal MP Emilia Alfaro was one of the most interested in approving the extension despite acknowledging that the money could be used for a business.
In the said meeting, the Liberal MP Francisco Rivas, now Minister of Industry and Commerce, had a diametrically opposite position and argued that the extension request was rejected because it would lead to negotiated the purchase of the Duarte government radares.Durante Frutos adjudication process was stopped due to the existence of two rulings by the Comptroller recommending declare the bidding. However, after the inauguration of Fernando Lugo, the comptroller shifted and the process continued.
Moreover, the current holder the Dinac, Ceferino Farías Servin, envisages the extension of the contract with Indra for U.S. $ 3 million.
October 27, 2009 22:41

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Egg-free Salmon Patties

Franco prompted to investigate the case and buy radar Galindo Franco

Today at 8:00, the Vice President Federico Franco, made available to prosecutors, so that it investigated the existence of the alleged crime of trafficking in influence in the purchase of equipment for Dinac. Galindo

refused last week to continue connected to Indra Sistemas SA, a company awarded for the provision of radar and other telecommunications equipment to the National Directorate of Civil Aviation (Dinac), worth $ 16 millones.Sostiene that more than two years left to represent the company for the realization of equipment sales. However, a document dated in Madrid, on 18 January last year, signed by Enrique Pérez-Campoamor, Director of Business Development at Indra, confirms that Galindo was as representative Paraguay.La complaint made by one of the guilds the Dinac, is that the English citizen used his friendship with the Vice President, Federico Franco, to use a business card with logo of the Vice President, in which figure is ad honorem advisor for International Cooperation, to lobby and make a profit for the company it represents. For example, Indra got Dinac disbursed this year about $ 5 million as advance payment for the purchase of radars, in addition, last year got the Liberal MP Alfaro Franco Emilia, wife of vice president, defended the House Baja's request a budget increase of G. 27,000 million for the Dinac, which would be used to pay the equipment purchased by Indra.A this the fact that the Comptroller General's Office had issued two opinions, which recommended to declare the bidding for the purchase of the radars. But remarkably, the comptroller, after the inauguration of Fernando Lugo, has changed its stance, allowing the Dinac disburse the first $ 5 million, of which a percentage was for Galindo, reads as a private contract by efforts realizadas.Es why Franco announced this morning at 8:00 will be presented to the Attorney General, to be made available for investigation in the relationship remain with Galindo and the alleged influence peddling which would have on the completion of the transaction. The English version is that he only uses your credit card staff of the Vice President's Office to solicit donations for Paraguay, when traveling abroad. We'll see what meets the Judiciary.
October 26, 2009 23:29

How To Program A Noma Thermostat

available to the prosecution for alleged trafficking of influence borrowing

The Vice President Federico Franco, was to the prosecution to be made available so as to have it investigated him and his wife in the event of termination on alleged influence peddling. The fact is related to the purchase of equipment for Dinac.
"I submit to justice investigate me for me and my lady (Member Emilia Alfaro), "said Franco told reporters.
Vice President arrived at the headquarters of Public Prosecutions last 08:00. After meeting with the state attorney general, Ruben Candia Amarilla, denied the allegations against him.
" No Nothing. There is no union between the bidding process and myself. I come to make myself available for the prosecution to make the clarification and investigation "in the case, he reiterated.
According guilds Civil Aeronautics Administration (Dinac), José Luis Galindo, a English citizen who is listed as representative Indra SA firm, had used his friendship with the Vice President for use a personal card with the logo of the Vice Presidency, in which figure is ad honorem advisor for International Cooperation, to obtain benefits for the company it represents.
When asked if this would be the result of a political issue, Franco said that already is in charge of the press out. "It's a situation where I find no justification," he said and then add that neither intends to give more attention than it deserves. On the card
letterhead used by Galindo Vice President, said "this is a mistake in public administration."
reported, in that sense, already requested the advisor-delivered via note- cards. Said he could not talk Persol with him so far.