Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Styrayx E O Zoofilismo


text messages "manager" Members splashes.

The English José Luis Galindo, manager of the company Indra, which won a bid of $ 16 million for the provision of radar, revealed through their text messages traded with several deputies to approve the budget increase the Dinac. Named Emilia Alfaro, Carlos Liseras and Buzarquis Salyn. Anticipated to mention that about $ 25,000, but demanded more.

On September 25 last year, the Chamber of Deputies approved the budget increase of G. 27,000 million for the National Directorate of Civil Aviation (Dinac). This amount was then allocated earlier this year the firm Indra Sistemas SA as an advance of $ 16 million expected to be disbursed for the purchase of radar and other telecommunications equipment.

The designated representative of the firm awarded, English Jose Luis Galindo, who was operated so that Members approve the extension, as the Dinac not have that amount.

On 31 July last year, outgoing President Nicanor Duarte Frutos, sent to then-brand new head of the Chamber of Deputies, Henry Salyn Buzarquis, the request for extension.

According to Galindo text messages sent to a person who also acted as its operator, and which we have actually signed and verified from your mobile phone, reveals that their contact is Buzarquis Deputies and also "have it" the deputy Emilia Franco Alfano. Also mentioned other liberal legislators as Pedro Gonzalez and Enrique Mineur, and the Colorado Juan Jose Vazquez and Gustavo Oviedo Mussi.
According to the content of messages, one also reads that initially there was talk of a "25 Flowers", which would be $ 25,000, and clarifies that Carlos Liseras Nicanor former private secretary, now deputy and has been given much. More implicadosEn other posts, Galindo confesses that if not achieved the budget increase, the company Indra and will not give anything and, indeed, the signature and desist of the project. English is also mentioned a trip to Buenos Aires with the Vice President Federico Franco, where they were to meet with entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires.
Coincidentally, the date of sending these messages, in the House of Representatives achieved the expansion of the budget and all Members Dinac cited in the text messages were precisely those who voted in favor. Even by the newspaper reports of the meeting of 25 September last year, noted that the Liberal MP Emilia Alfaro was one of the most interested in approving the extension despite acknowledging that the money could be used for a business.
In the said meeting, the Liberal MP Francisco Rivas, now Minister of Industry and Commerce, had a diametrically opposite position and argued that the extension request was rejected because it would lead to negotiated the purchase of the Duarte government radares.Durante Frutos adjudication process was stopped due to the existence of two rulings by the Comptroller recommending declare the bidding. However, after the inauguration of Fernando Lugo, the comptroller shifted and the process continued.
Moreover, the current holder the Dinac, Ceferino Farías Servin, envisages the extension of the contract with Indra for U.S. $ 3 million.
October 27, 2009 22:41


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