Monday, February 28, 2011

Mucous A Week Before Period Starts

The most powerful force in the world Believe in Divine Inspiration

"I moldearé" said the piece of iron ax as it descended with full force on its side.

But every shot that gave him was losing its edge, until after a while she could only tool that had been completely dull.

"to me,", said the saw as he fixed his teeth in the piece of iron, which were disappearing one by one.

"I'll take care of modeling", uttered with pride the hammer, while making fun of their colleagues who had failed. But after several blows broke the handle and was off his head.

"May I try?" Humbly asked a small flame. The three laughed out loud, but was allowed because they were convinced would also fail. However, that little flame covered the piece of iron, not got rid of him, hugged him and hugged him to become soft and give the figure he wanted. That little flame

achieved what the other three powerful tools could not reach. So is love.

hearts are in the world so hard that they can withstand the ax of anger, bitterness teeth, and the blows of pride and rejection, but is more severe than the person's heart may not withstand the test of love, because love is the most powerful force in this world ....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

3d Apartment Extreme Taringa

Santa Catalina has pillars that hold

YESTERDAY IN ABC de Sevilla: denounced the abandonment of Santa Catalina spreading it on the net

Written by Esteban Romero

Seville hundreds gathered yesterday at the main gate of the temple of Santa Catalina in a "it remains photographic" that seeks to raise the state of neglect that presents this unique church. The organizers pushed for photographing or shooting video of the sorry state of this "jewel" of art that combines many periods in the history of the city.

is intended that these captured images are widely available in portals, blogs and social networks of the network of networks, being able to check the alarming degree of deterioration thereof. This event was organized through Facebook by a manifesto that has been generated from civil society, there is no entity or institution been summoned directly to people yesterday gathered around the central parish of Seville, but did attend several brotherhoods in membership as the Exaltation or Santa Lucia, the closure of Santa Catalina, provisionally worship to their owners in the nearby Church of San Roman.

Santa Catalina has closed nearly seven years of worship and the prospects for a comprehensive restoration in the short to medium term are complicated.

Their degradation is evident, now more than ever thanks to a handful of Seville who can testify anywhere in the world.

Photo: José Javier Comas González

Click on "More Information" to view a gallery of the act and the deteriorating state of Santa Catalina.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Shoulders Gold Silver Sevilla

Days of lethargy for a party brimming with purity in the form of fringes and silver roses. Naked soul men, displaying their caste temples albero wind, they rest their metal and cloth brushes. The light will be reflected on the primary color. Life will return to the ring on the shoulders of Christian caste. Jet, gold, ... will return in spring.
Photo: José Javier Rodríguez Comas

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Does A Cervix Feel Like

Two Yeomen custodians of the old city. Almohades ways they agreed to rupture over time and ignoring all that live around them grew in a river one day strolling the big flames. The night finds new backlights that seem to keep them unmoved amid the steel and cement. The stone is jealous of rich gold. Seville is only able to make her his most precious metal.
Photo: José Javier Rodríguez Comas

Monday, February 21, 2011

Why Does Urine Be Clear


In these cases, your name makes sense summit. Only she can console those who can not find a meaning to the present. The author asks the permission to translate the feeling of a group of souls who are faithful to these eyes, which are at present no answers in sight. Eyes that are never alone. A soul will be closer to you from this new dawn. What a privilege it yours! A Costalero sailed under cover of your mourning cloak sunburnt today more than ever. The cross has dawned truer. I know you walk sad. Quiet, and protect you ...
A Juan Manuel Martínez Rodríguez, Costalero of Our Lady of Sorrows (Hdad. de la Vera + Cruz) died on Monday afternoon.
Dude, you're with it, take care.
Photo: José Javier Rodríguez Comas

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Straight Weave With Side Bangs

His long shadow ...

Two worlds face to face. Santa Catalina does not lose his faith. A faith that is high above the rooftops of a city that seems to have dropped part of their identity through negligence. Passing day. Meanwhile, the white image does not distract his gaze from the home, waiting for an answer you back to life. His shadow is long. She knows where the key to their doors can again see the light that never should have lost. So do not stop looking at it ...

Saturday 26 February (12 hours). Photo Quedada in doors of the church of Santa Catalina to capture the condition that owns the temple today. Do not stay at home! Came to the rescue!
PD: No camera or not, your participation and assistance is vital.
official facebook page of the struggle for the restoration of Santa Catalina clicking here. JOIN
Photo: José Javier Rodríguez

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Brent Corriganhow To Become A Member?

Passion Today in Seville: Queen of the Underworld, Sky Light rain

Less than 60 days. Third in the saga begins to occur. The sky has been able to find the shortest way to find accommodation in a temple that breathes smoke honey. Meanwhile, down the street with the name of pure light, a real flag up their machines for a queen who is not of this land. Two hundred fireflies act as guides in the dark. Altars past grow back. The Thinker said, "Time brings to light all is hidden and concealed and hidden so now shines with the greatest splendor. " It further notice more ...
priostes At the Last Supper Jesus and Antonio. And my friend Rafa Milla.
Borja, I give thanks that there are people like you in this world.
Click on "more info" to see the gallery of the altar.
Photo: José Javier Rodríguez Comas

Over The Counter Creams For Thrush For Men

with Ho'oponopono Ho'oponopono

Thoughts and guilt are memories revived. "The soul can be inspired by the Divine Intelligence without realizing what is happening! The only pre-requisite for inspiration, divine creativity, is that one's identity is identity. Being its own identity requires constant cleaning of memories. Memories are constant companions of the subconscious mind. They never let the subconscious mind to go on holiday. They never let the subconscious mind to retire. The memories never stop in their relentless revival! "
When practicing Ho'oponopono, we do to change the other , but to wipe Divinity" we "thoughts full of painful memories that make us seeing the other as a problem. cleaning takes place in you ... the work is done with you ... but those memories are shared when cleaning ... we are cleaning up in the All.

is crucial to understand that when we see a problem with someone, that person is just a reflection of a memory stored in our subconscious that is expressed through of that problem in that person. The problem is not the person but our thoughts about it.

These reports, whether or not we aware of them, are projected at all times, creating our reality ... making repeat experiences occurred in stories that leave us without understanding why or how to get out of them ...

Often in these situations that are repeated, we have the illusion that the problem is on the other and that if he changed the suffering would end ... and invested much energy in the search for the amendment of the "other."

Sometimes, if the problem is the "other" prefer to keep a comfortable distance from where we can go ... and continue to interfere with our thoughts ... our prosecutions and taxes ... only the "other" ... we ourselves ... and it is our responsibility to clean all that we created from our thoughts and beliefs accumulated since the beginning of our experience.

Ho'oponopono is to bring us the ability to take 100% responsibility for everything that bothers us ... in people ... situations ... places, and from there gives us precious tools to wipe the memories that make this bother us ...

Indeed our work is only to receive what comes each day as a gift.

"Memories are constant companions of the subconscious mind. They never allow the subconscious mind go on vacation. They never agree that the subconscious mind to retire within itself. The memories never fail to remember, constantly! To put an end once and for all the memories, they must also be erased once and for all. "

When the soul is experiencing problems of memories, tell them mentally or silently: " I love them, fond memories. I appreciate the opportunity to release all of you and me ... I love you, "can be repeated mentally over and over again. The memories never go on vacation or retire, unless you retirement. " I love you," can be used even if you are not aware of the problems.

We do all the time this process of disposing of memories and restore its own identity ... and open space for our reality is created by Divine Inspiration.
More about Ho'oponopono>>>

VJ appreciate very much the blog " Do you know what to do? " for allowing me to take and share information related to Ho'oponopono presented in this blog.
Light and Love to you dear VJ!

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raise our eyes to the nearest window. Only Gray is able to tell stories in days and without saying a word to the wind. Once outside, the living soil pools choked by people avoid stepping on not to soil their own shame. Is the time where the trees end up moving its last leaves to give way to green more devastating that is. Spring begins to get its teeth to the rhythm of an endless drop. Only 60 steps.
Photo: José Javier Rodríguez Comas

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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The work of the three minds

Part A: Repentance and forgiveness.

The Conscious Mind can start the process of Ho'oponopono to release the reports, or may remain subject to them, with guilt and thought. The steps to follow if the choice of the release are:

1. The Conscious Mind begins the process of Ho'oponopono problem solving, making the request to the Divine Intelligence to transmute memories to void. She acknowledges that the memories are relived in your Subconscious Mind and that they are responsible for it 100%. (When I say I'm sorry, I'm asking forgiveness and making me charge at 100%)

2. The downward flow of the petition to the Subconscious Mind , gently set in motion the memories for transmutation. The request then goes to the Super Conscious Mind , from the Subconscious Mind .

3. The Super Conscious Mind reviews the application, making any changes it deems appropriate. For always being linked to Divine Providence, she is able to review and make changes. The request is then directed upwards to the Divine Intelligence to review final consideration.
Part B: Transmutation by Divine Intelligence

4. After analyzing the request sent upward by the Super Conscious Mind , Divine Intelligence sends Transmuting energy to Super Conscious Mind .

5. Transmuting energy flows from the Super Conscious Mind for Conscious Mind.

6. And Transmuting energy flows from the Conscious Mind for Subconscious Mind . Transmuting energy neutralizes first designated reports. Neutralized energies are then released for storage, leaving a void.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Much Ambulance Weigh

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How Long Does A Drivers License Take To Be Posted

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Wedding Invitations Message

Neglect couple unconscious vs. the sea's fury Pictures of the day

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How To Program Remote 2010 Elantra

Ho'oponopono How to practice? Bases

healing technique Dr. Haleakala Hew Len is based on repeating the following phrases to the Divine Creator, thinking that we are responsible for everything that happens:


The Secret of Ho'oponopono is that we are responsible for 100% work on impressions of fear of change, to open the synchrodestiny and begin to co-create. Sorry
  1. means that I deal with my 100%, I recognize my responsibility in the matter.
  2. Sorry for the harm I have caused.
  3. Thank you, because it is giving me the opportunity to work my power.
  4. I love you, the power universal, feeling that transmutes everything. Ho'oponopono
first thing free is good and evil based on that now begin to live differently. God is the vital pulse in the heart of all existence is pressed increasingly expanding.

The imprint of their work takes three levels:
- from me to me.
- from me to other
- Of other to me.

"If I had thought, I've created" and I made a matrix or template, now I delete it.

- I really apologize because we do not deserve the first suffering, and I apologize because I forgive you.
- Ho'oponopono is to choose consciously stop playing the game until now I did.
- We must awaken decoders, by conforming you subatomic level.
- Everyone will wake up in time, the awakening is organic or natural, all at once.
- A voice will begin to awaken.
- In the new paradigm and there is no duality, because you were the same in the shadows who attacked you.
- When dream and know it's a dream and what strikes you is your creation, you will awaken.
According to resolve a disharmonious situation, we recite the following prayer, accepting our responsibility and taking charge for change:

"Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son, All in One ...
If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask for your forgiveness ...
Let this cleanse, purify , release, cut all the memories, blocks, energies and negative vibrations and transmute these energies Pure Light unwanted ...
And so this fact. "

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Ho'oponopono technique

therapy takes shape from the ancient technique of Ho'oponopono, which cleans the unconscious because, as explained, all happening within ourselves. We take full responsibility. We totally responsible for our lives as well as external events, that includes the president, politicians, the environment, anything that affects us directly or indirectly.

Healing is the result of the powerful feeling of forgiveness. If there is a problem regardless of whether internal or external must be solved internally.

forgiveness and transmutation.
If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are influenced by the memory bank of the past, then we begin to see as a process can correct errors change our lives, our families and our community.
This technique is based:
1. In the belief that we create our reality, we are co-creators and everything we see, experience, all the people around us, everything that makes up our world is there because we've created, we have asked is for some reason or reason. It's there because that is what we agree ... and so therefore we are responsible for what happens in our world. We accept that we have 100% responsibility in the things that happen.

2. Our mind is made up of a Conscious and Subconscious a Supraconscious that many identify with the Inner Child, Child holds the key to our happiness and stores information in its possession all that happened in this and other lives. I say that is the key to our happiness, because there are many experiences that we are making but we are not really aware of this, is creating this child or subconscious basis of the information contained in old experiences. The desire for this child to be happy, like any other child in the world he loves and identifies with your physical self. Like any child needs to get attention, loves to mimes and needs feel truly loved, valued and protected. We must come to understand that the mind is perfect but not the memories it contains data that you work with and that is where this technique falls in the correction of the error of these reports and data, the correction of vision and the creation of this inner child at all costs try to protect you and make you take into consideration, including using the sabotage of your projects to get it if necessary.

3. There is a Divinity whose wisdom and power are far superior to ours and who loves us unconditionally.

4. We must be willing to leave everything in the hands of the Divine to heal our memories, feelings, beliefs ... to heal the root of any unwanted or painful experience we have and to heal at the same time to others. We must be willing to accept our responsibility and at the same time accepting help from the Divine, which is to accept this grant which can heal and be healed.

order to practice this technique is to connect with our inner child and ask him to communicate with the Divine and say: "Divinity clean me what is contributing to this problem appears" Then you have to say: I'm sorry, forgive me I love you, thanks.

In doing so I am asking the Divine to cancel programs (memories) in me so that they are canceled also in other people, I am asking for healing my inner child to heal myself and others.

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What is Ho'oponopono?

is an ancient method of healing as Hawaiian day for the world today, which teaches us to leave from blockages and problems that cause imbalance in ourselves.

Ho'oponopono is a healing technique discovered by Dr. Leen (Ihaleakala Hew Len), based on Hawaiian traditions and beliefs. This doctor was able to cure an entire ward of mentally unbalanced criminal patients without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's file and, then, looked inside to see how he created that person's disease. As he improved, the patient improved. Ho'oponopono is a practice that was done by a long tradition Huna.
What is Ho'oponopono?

Ho'o: do, cause, manifest, bringing up

pono: right, straight, in perfect order .... and many other related meanings.
ponopono: in order to care for, attend to something, sort r.
short, Ho'oponopono means rectify it right ....

What is the objective?

Bringing peace and balance in a simple and effective means of mental and physical cleanliness and through a process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutation.

Ho'oponopono can be used by everyone regardless of age and culture.

Things we can achieve with the Ho `Oponopono:
  • Solving problems in a simple manner.
  • Dropping the problems that cause you stress, illness and imbalance ... Knowing who
  • really are and find your identity through introspection and heal yourself through your template deleted, fears, etc..
  • How to connect and protect your inner child, which is your subconscious and who embodied the things in your life.
  • how to get inner peace and balance through spiritual purification, mental and physical.
  • How to heal and let go of painful emotional memories without having to relive them.