Sunday, February 13, 2011

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What is Ho'oponopono?

is an ancient method of healing as Hawaiian day for the world today, which teaches us to leave from blockages and problems that cause imbalance in ourselves.

Ho'oponopono is a healing technique discovered by Dr. Leen (Ihaleakala Hew Len), based on Hawaiian traditions and beliefs. This doctor was able to cure an entire ward of mentally unbalanced criminal patients without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's file and, then, looked inside to see how he created that person's disease. As he improved, the patient improved. Ho'oponopono is a practice that was done by a long tradition Huna.
What is Ho'oponopono?

Ho'o: do, cause, manifest, bringing up

pono: right, straight, in perfect order .... and many other related meanings.
ponopono: in order to care for, attend to something, sort r.
short, Ho'oponopono means rectify it right ....

What is the objective?

Bringing peace and balance in a simple and effective means of mental and physical cleanliness and through a process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutation.

Ho'oponopono can be used by everyone regardless of age and culture.

Things we can achieve with the Ho `Oponopono:
  • Solving problems in a simple manner.
  • Dropping the problems that cause you stress, illness and imbalance ... Knowing who
  • really are and find your identity through introspection and heal yourself through your template deleted, fears, etc..
  • How to connect and protect your inner child, which is your subconscious and who embodied the things in your life.
  • how to get inner peace and balance through spiritual purification, mental and physical.
  • How to heal and let go of painful emotional memories without having to relive them.


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