Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sending Sms On Having A New Born

Deputies asked to report on the plane Lugo Hugo Chavez believes that Vice

Legislators from different banks described as worrisome the landing of the craft in times of deployment of police forces in the north.

The landing of a C-130 Hercules aircraft, belonging to the Venezuelan Air Force in the Silvio Pettirossi Airport, on Thursday, presumably to refuel, generated various reactions of rejection within the Chamber of Deputies. This fact led the leaders of the various banks to make an order report to the president, Fernando Lugo, about what happened, at the earliest opportunity. Deputy Lopez Olga, Patria Querida Party (PPQ), admitted the existence of various rumors in the presence of such military aircraft "Venezuela" in the country, coinciding with the time they are deployed police forces in northern Iraq . "It's a very serious issue that must be clarified by the President (Fernando Lugo), an event of such magnitude can not be so. I hope once and for all clarify what goes he (Lugo). For my part I have many suspicions about the relationship Lugo and (Hugo) Chavez, no doubt (the President) is obliged to respond to our inquiries, "said the parliamentarian. For his part, Daniel Fleitas, deputy UNACE Party, asked the president, Fernando Lugo, to respond to requests for reports from the Congress with the aim of demonstrating that his relationship with the Government of Venezuela is transparent. "It is worrying and if you are interested in showing the public that there is a friendship with Venezuela legally, must give an explanation of this aircraft in our country, if it is to be transparent. Any request for the report is a symbol of transparency, is another issue now does not respond at the earliest opportunity. It is well known the close relationship of Lugo and Venezuela, but we can not become a more Bolivia, "the parliamentary Oviedo. Concern both, José López Chávez, the legislature also UNACE described as worrying but not surprising the presence of Venezuelan military aircraft in Paraguay, Lugo said the president has become "the Evo (Morales) Paraguayan Hugo Chavez . "To me this does not surprise me, we have virtually Venezuela and Bolivia, Lugo is a Evo (Morales) more for (Hugo) Chavez is a disgrace. The President should clarify this situation or otherwise exposed to more problems with the Congress, which already has "exposed the diputado.HermetismoUn total secrecy was noted yesterday in the context of the armed forces, with the arrival of the plane of the Venezuelan Air Force, which remained on Thursday at the international airport Silvio Pettirossi, for two hours, although some sources said that would have fallen "some cases" no one able to explain how it consiste.Indicaron striking was the presence of police at the scene, which is unusual, safeguarding the arrival of the Hercules C-130 Air Force Venezuela that allegedly landed to refuel and then continue its journey to país.No However, sources said the plane landed was previously approved by the Paraguayan Air Force, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and DINAC. The Venezuelan military aircraft coming from Buenos Aires (Argentina), and after having provided fuel and make the necessary adjustments, continued journey to the airport Maiqueitía in Caracas (Venezuela).

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defense should receive a report on military aircraft


Gen. Brig. (R) Marecos Charruff, former commander of the Air Force until last November, was taken yesterday off side the press during a ceremony at the Foreign Ministry, when asked about the striking Venezuelan aircraft landing in our capital. But as it is an old pilot, at least "piloted". He believed that the Defense Ministry officials are to receive a report on the episode that generated speculation, although the Paraguayan aviation authorities was a technical scale. "Surely we did receive some information. Surely the leadership of the ministry is to receive (information), "said Mark Charruff when asked if there was interest from the Defense Department to find out what really pasó.El He said he learned of the presence of the plane through the day and stressed that he did not at all unusual for a military unit made a stopover in our airport Thursday afternoon internacional.El International Airport landed in a Hercules C -130 Venezuelan Air Force and then to stay for a short time in the military area of \u200b\u200bthe airport started up again. In principle, the authorities tried to ignore the fact Dinac, but then, to make public statement, said it was a "technical stop", without informing the reasons. This did raise suspicions, given that the flight left Buenos Aires, a very short distance to need that type of landing. Yet another striking feature was that the aircraft had a police guard. Yesterday it was learned unofficially in two Venezuelan military officers aboard the plane were in the país.FF.AA. should autorizarPor Moreover, the deputy minister said that in case of overflights of military aircraft of the country the military is the institution to be authorized. Finally he insisted that there is nothing anomalous in any country aircraft landing at our airport in emergency or other urgency, that's why we have a terminal condition.
November 13, 2009 21:38


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Two Venezuelan military plane

The C-130 Hercules of the Venezuelan Air Force which landed at the airport on Thursday Silvio Pettirossi left in the country two of its eight military crew. Their names are José Rafael Jelvez and Palo, those on the list of arrival but not departure. The civil and military aviation authorities had said the plane had made a simple stopover for refueling, something hard to believe, and which had taken off for less than two hours from Buenos Aires. The Chancellor said yesterday that "nothing serious" in the episode.

José Rafael Palo Jelvez and would be the two members of the Venezuelan Armed Forces who have arrived on Thursday afternoon to our country in flight from Buenos Aires and Caracas and final destination, according to Dinac landed for a " technical level. "

"There is nothing serious in this situation" was what the Chancellor said yesterday national Hector Lacognata in relation to the flashy arrival of the plane belonging to the Venezuelan Armed Forces, on Thursday afternoon led to a spectacular display on the military apron Silvio Pettirossi international airport. However, according to a source Forces Paraguayan airline, the aircraft were eight soldiers who came down the unit even to the point that two of them, with their pair Paraguayans came to the airport duty free for shopping, a fact which was also supported by some people who were in the restricted area. According to data supplied by the same source, the eight soldiers who arrived, only six boarded the plane and two remained in the country, even have the names of those who would be identified as Jose Rafael Jelvez and Palo. The obvious question to this situation is: why did these soldiers? Technical scale? The plane C-130 Hercules that arrived on Thursday to our country at 14.52 and departed at 17.19, according to the director of the National Directorate of Civil Aviation (Dinac), Ceferino Farías Servin, arrived for a stopover, whose final destination was Caracas, Venezuela. What is striking is the fact that a large-sized aircraft like the Hercules have needed to perform such a scale, taking into account its long endurance. This is compounded by the fact that in principle from the Armed Forces wanted to deny the information, but finally had to take what happened after the case became public. Farias said the crew received authorization from the armed forces, the Dinac and the Foreign Ministry for landing. In this situation raises another question: if it was a resupply landing, how so soon got approval for the arrival? According to the information given by an official of the airport security area, received information that the same Ambassador of Venezuela, Nora Uribe, was presented upon arrival of the aircraft, but ultimately took no action because the same would happen in the military apron. It was not possible to get the version of the ambassador, despite the insistent call, apparently, was ordered not to say.
November 13, 2009 21:42

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stayed Leaders discussed the failure of privatization

"Privatization failed in Paraguay and as an example we can cite Acepar lapse, Flomeres, which meant the people and offal the enrichment of a few, "Constancio said Mendoza, leader of the Popular Party Executive Driving Tekojoja (PPT) and former union leader, to analyze what is happening today with the processes acería.Agregó sale of public enterprises groups private investors led to big losses for the state and did more than create new rich. "It was demonstrated that these processes only served the interests of a rapacious economic group that were fraudulent companies from our government but the people will get a penny in benefits, "said unionist and politician. For Mendoza, the town ended up paying the high cost of these privatizations that were made in the country since the final debts are loaded on the backs of the citizenry. "There was no improvement in service quality and prices to users and consumers, and the only ones who are minorities ended up winning that first broke the public and then made the control of these in exchange for crumbs," he said as well. As the leader in Paraguay was out a true public auction of state institutions in connivance with previous governments submissive. "The gains from alienation of these public goods were in very few hands and, in turn, losses are socialized," said Mendoza. For Acepar, believes the Paraguayan society is showing he has matured so civilly and supports the process of change and recovery of national treasures, such as the steelworks in Villa Hayes, to put at the service of development, he said. He was referring to the decision on Monday by President Fernando Lugo, to promote the termination of the sale of ACEP.
November 13 of
2009 21:29 Source:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How To Clean A G-shock

Galindo has people of Dinac subordinate to Indra, accuses union


The firm Indra manager and advisor to the Vice-President, José Luis Galindo, he is subordinate to the technical and operational establishment of the Dinac, denounced the Federation of Aviation. On the men are accused of attempted bribery and influence peddling.
On 21 July this year, the Comptroller General of the Republic sent a note to the owner of the National Directorate of Civil Aviation (Dinac), Ceferino Farías Servin, which emphasizes the recommendation to integrate the supervisory commission the technical execution of the contract with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), to monitor and ensure the quality and delivery of radar systems that are in charge of the company Indra. However, five months after the recommendation and the signing of the addendum to the contract with the supplier of the equipment, which stipulated the payment, the Dinac formed yet such comisión.La Federation of Aviation Workers Paraguay (FETAPE) yesterday issued a statement denouncing the complicity of the holder of the Dinac with Indra signature manager and consultant for International Cooperation of the Vice President of the Republic, English José Luis Galindo. "It is proven the direct interference of a corrupt and cuasidelincuente manager who has most of the technical and operational establishment of the Dinac subordinated to the interests of Indra," says the letter signed by Osvaldo Salinas and Juan Carlos Ibarra, president and general secretary , respectively, of the guild Fetap.La concern is the control of complex system installation of radar and other telecommunications equipment that the contractor must perform, as the technicians of the institution respond to the provider. They claim that their attention the fact that Farias has ignored the recommendation of the comptroller in relation to the formation of the supervisory board of the technical performance of the contract with the OACI.Dinac not accept asesoramientoPrecisamente, suggesting the comptroller that the commission is to verify the quality of equipment and the reasonableness of the payments, otherwise, the changes already specified Dinac technical specifications and established a schedule of payments, completely ignoring the suggestion realizada.A this adds up, according to the statement of the FETAPE, who spurned the offer Dinac free Brazilian Aeronautical Technology Mission (MTBA), which sought to bring in specialists Atech signature, who works for the Brazilian Air Force and also is the only firm in South American manufacturer of control centers, radar screens, communications and software inclusive of all brands of radars currently manufactured in the world. "We insist on the absolute helplessness in the Dinac found with most of their technical staff, who act both tax entirely subject to the interests of Indra. No one can disturb the ICAO audit or not the MBTA, "say the bribery and influence gremialistas.Tráfico December 2007 Galindo told a technician Dinac to get" some good wise men "if he can favor the company he represents. The incident was reported to the National Public Procurement (DNCP) and the Comptroller. According to text messages that were released recently, Galindo had made offers to MPs to approve a budget increase of Dinac G. 27,000 million, which would be used to pay Indra. In March, English was appointed through a resolution by Federico Franco advisor to the Vice Presidency. Since that time using a personal card with the logo of the institution, which according to reports used to press for Indra.
November 4, 2009 22:15


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The English José Galindo, of Indra, denied handing out bribes in the Lower House for the passage of a budget increase for the Dinac and implement a negotiated settlement. "Nobody has helped me to lobby at all," he said. Another said he did not know the owner of the House.
"I deny completely, or else to prove it," Galindo said when referring to ABC journalist Jorge Torres, who attributes the English text messages which reveals a carve-up of alleged bribes in Parliament.
The manager said the company Indra analyze their lawyers to take action against the publication.
"It takes a week rubbing me. I do not know what have I done to him. This is not investigative journalism, "said criticizing the author of the news story.
further commented that no personal knowledge of Deputies president, Enrique Salyn Buzarquis, who announced a lawsuit against the publication.
also expressed his intention to apologize to the owner of the House.

DINAC announces charges of bribery demands by Rep. Henry Salyn
Buzarquis ABC rejected the publications in which says a company manager Indra distributed bribes from the chairman of the House and other lawmakers. The senator announced that he claims to be initiated in a case linked negotiated to provide the Dinac radar.
"I've never gotten into anything," he told the 650 AM Enrique Salyn rejecting any link Buzarquis the case negotiated. Publications
ABC Color date indicate that the English Jose Galindo served as manager of the firm Indra to win approval in the Lower House of a budget increase for the National Directorate of Civil Aviation (Dinac).
According to the note, the alien admitted in text having distributed about $ 25,000 from the camera makers to achieve increased funding for Dinac, which allowed the state agency to hire the company concerned for the provision of equipment.
"I do not know, I was surprised and hurt a lot when I saw that I mentioned as alleged contact," said the president of Deputies.

Liseras Deputy Prosecutor asked to be investigated by Colorado Congressman Carlos
Liseras announced he would ask the prosecutor to investigate his alleged relationship with a manager of a private company that won a tender for the provision of radar Silvio Pettirossi the airport. He denied having received money from the English Jose Luis Galindo for approval of budget increases. He said legal proceedings to repair its image damaged by ABC Color published on Wednesday.
The English José Luis Galindo, manager of the firm Indra who won a tender for 16 million dollars, which operates through a number of parliamentarians to get a budget increase for the National Directorate of Civil Aviation (Dinac) to perform the operation purchase of equipment.
mentioned, among others, several MPs, who include Carlos Liseras and Liberals and Emilia Buzarquis Salyn Enrique Alfaro, wife of Vice President Federico Franco. Buzarquis is chairman of the House.
The English said he thought $ 25,000 spread, but demanded more money. Carlos Liseras
said Wednesday at the 780 AM would ask the prosecutor to investigate him. He said that will do the same and did the vice president Franco, who was made available to prosecutors.
"I do not know and refuse what comes out today on ABC. Do not know (in English), I did not reracionamiento. I never offered money in this or any other topic that was discussed in the Lower House, "said the legislator Liseras, former secretary General of the Presidency in the government of Nicanor Duarte Frutos.
acknowledged that she claims she is always money in the Legislature to move projects or to get votes. "I'm running to the Attorney and I will take legal proceedings to repair the damage that this publication gives me," said the senator colorado.
said that news of this nature occur, probably because it is an opposition legislator on the government of Fernando Lugo. "Looking for excuses to stop me to shut up or say," he said. He said that this issue be clarified fully.
The Chamber of Deputies approved the budget increase for the 25 September DINAC year past. The amount was 27,000 million Gs. This was an amount that was given to Indra Sistemas SA as an advance for the provision of equipment by $ 16 million.
The links between English Galindo and parliamentarians were recorded by means of text messages sent and received through mobile phones.
is mentioned in the messages to other lawmakers, including Pedro González, Enrique Mineur, Juan Jose Vazquez and Gustavo Mussi.
