Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gpsphone Cheats Cyberduck

Two Venezuelan military plane

The C-130 Hercules of the Venezuelan Air Force which landed at the airport on Thursday Silvio Pettirossi left in the country two of its eight military crew. Their names are José Rafael Jelvez and Palo, those on the list of arrival but not departure. The civil and military aviation authorities had said the plane had made a simple stopover for refueling, something hard to believe, and which had taken off for less than two hours from Buenos Aires. The Chancellor said yesterday that "nothing serious" in the episode.

José Rafael Palo Jelvez and would be the two members of the Venezuelan Armed Forces who have arrived on Thursday afternoon to our country in flight from Buenos Aires and Caracas and final destination, according to Dinac landed for a " technical level. "

"There is nothing serious in this situation" was what the Chancellor said yesterday national Hector Lacognata in relation to the flashy arrival of the plane belonging to the Venezuelan Armed Forces, on Thursday afternoon led to a spectacular display on the military apron Silvio Pettirossi international airport. However, according to a source Forces Paraguayan airline, the aircraft were eight soldiers who came down the unit even to the point that two of them, with their pair Paraguayans came to the airport duty free for shopping, a fact which was also supported by some people who were in the restricted area. According to data supplied by the same source, the eight soldiers who arrived, only six boarded the plane and two remained in the country, even have the names of those who would be identified as Jose Rafael Jelvez and Palo. The obvious question to this situation is: why did these soldiers? Technical scale? The plane C-130 Hercules that arrived on Thursday to our country at 14.52 and departed at 17.19, according to the director of the National Directorate of Civil Aviation (Dinac), Ceferino Farías Servin, arrived for a stopover, whose final destination was Caracas, Venezuela. What is striking is the fact that a large-sized aircraft like the Hercules have needed to perform such a scale, taking into account its long endurance. This is compounded by the fact that in principle from the Armed Forces wanted to deny the information, but finally had to take what happened after the case became public. Farias said the crew received authorization from the armed forces, the Dinac and the Foreign Ministry for landing. In this situation raises another question: if it was a resupply landing, how so soon got approval for the arrival? According to the information given by an official of the airport security area, received information that the same Ambassador of Venezuela, Nora Uribe, was presented upon arrival of the aircraft, but ultimately took no action because the same would happen in the military apron. It was not possible to get the version of the ambassador, despite the insistent call, apparently, was ordered not to say.
November 13, 2009 21:42


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