Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sending Sms On Having A New Born

Deputies asked to report on the plane Lugo Hugo Chavez believes that Vice

Legislators from different banks described as worrisome the landing of the craft in times of deployment of police forces in the north.

The landing of a C-130 Hercules aircraft, belonging to the Venezuelan Air Force in the Silvio Pettirossi Airport, on Thursday, presumably to refuel, generated various reactions of rejection within the Chamber of Deputies. This fact led the leaders of the various banks to make an order report to the president, Fernando Lugo, about what happened, at the earliest opportunity. Deputy Lopez Olga, Patria Querida Party (PPQ), admitted the existence of various rumors in the presence of such military aircraft "Venezuela" in the country, coinciding with the time they are deployed police forces in northern Iraq . "It's a very serious issue that must be clarified by the President (Fernando Lugo), an event of such magnitude can not be so. I hope once and for all clarify what goes he (Lugo). For my part I have many suspicions about the relationship Lugo and (Hugo) Chavez, no doubt (the President) is obliged to respond to our inquiries, "said the parliamentarian. For his part, Daniel Fleitas, deputy UNACE Party, asked the president, Fernando Lugo, to respond to requests for reports from the Congress with the aim of demonstrating that his relationship with the Government of Venezuela is transparent. "It is worrying and if you are interested in showing the public that there is a friendship with Venezuela legally, must give an explanation of this aircraft in our country, if it is to be transparent. Any request for the report is a symbol of transparency, is another issue now does not respond at the earliest opportunity. It is well known the close relationship of Lugo and Venezuela, but we can not become a more Bolivia, "the parliamentary Oviedo. Concern both, José López Chávez, the legislature also UNACE described as worrying but not surprising the presence of Venezuelan military aircraft in Paraguay, Lugo said the president has become "the Evo (Morales) Paraguayan Hugo Chavez . "To me this does not surprise me, we have virtually Venezuela and Bolivia, Lugo is a Evo (Morales) more for (Hugo) Chavez is a disgrace. The President should clarify this situation or otherwise exposed to more problems with the Congress, which already has "exposed the diputado.HermetismoUn total secrecy was noted yesterday in the context of the armed forces, with the arrival of the plane of the Venezuelan Air Force, which remained on Thursday at the international airport Silvio Pettirossi, for two hours, although some sources said that would have fallen "some cases" no one able to explain how it consiste.Indicaron striking was the presence of police at the scene, which is unusual, safeguarding the arrival of the Hercules C-130 Air Force Venezuela that allegedly landed to refuel and then continue its journey to país.No However, sources said the plane landed was previously approved by the Paraguayan Air Force, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and DINAC. The Venezuelan military aircraft coming from Buenos Aires (Argentina), and after having provided fuel and make the necessary adjustments, continued journey to the airport Maiqueitía in Caracas (Venezuela).


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